Fixing Django FieldError at /admin/accounts/customuser/add/
UpdatedHow to fix this common Django custom user model issue in Django 5+.
Web development tutorials to help you build, test, and deploy applications.
How to fix this common Django custom user model issue in Django 5+.
Add user authentication with extra fields to a custom user model in Django 5.1+.
Python Django web hosting options for VPS and PaaS.
Add user authentication including signup, login, and logout using django-allauth.
Build a Todo API with serializers, viewsets, and routers.
Set user authentication by updating the default Django log in with a custom user model and django-allauth.
Make a web API out of the official Django polls app tutorial.
Best practices for Django unit and integration tests for models, views, forms, and templates.
How to add a search box to a Django 5.0 website, featuring source code, filtering, Q objects, forms, and more.
An overview of the popular Python-based web framework.
How to add URLs via slugfield to a Django project.
How to use the built-in redirects app and Sites framework for URL redirects.
A guide to Django's Object-Relational Mapper, Model Managers, and QuerySets.
How to add a favicon to any Django website.
Learn how to build a basic payments website using Django and Stripe Checkout.
Automate code checks before commits such as Black, isort, and ruff.
Build two projects from scratch using both Flask and Django to compare.
Create a full-featured Django blog using Neapolitan.
How to set up authentication with a UserProfile model and custom user model using signals.
How to build a Hello, World application using the Python Django web framework.
How to fix a common configuration mistake in django-allauth.
A comprehensive introduction to Django architecture, models, views, URLs, and templates.
Configure Django and TailwindCSS from scratch in a new project.
A guide to learning Django (Python) for beginners and intermediate/advanced developers.
How to configure static files for local development and production.
Advice on getting a job/hired and having a career as a Django/Python developer.
How to fix this common error for Django 3.0 and earlier.
An introduction to databases and primary/foreign keys.
Why it's a good idea to add them and how Django works under-the-hood.
Clearing up common confusion on front-end vs back-end.
A Django homepage implemented five different ways.
Step-by-step instructions to deploy a Django app with PostgreSQL database on
Send Django emails locally and in production with SendGrid, MailGun, SES.
A guide to the official Django REST Framework tutorial on building an API.
How to add a robots.txt file to a Django website for better SEO.
How to add an RSS or Atom feed to a Django project for better SEO.
An explanation of Django structure and what constitutes an app.
A guide to using Django fixtures explaining how they work and how they allow the import/export of database data.
How to customize 404 Page Not Found and 500 Server Error pages for Django web applications.
Build a Django recipe app and add a sitemap for SEO.
The history of the Django pony from its origins to today.
Automate Python package dependencies using pip-compile.
How to set up a new Django project using Docker and PostgreSQL.
How to structure templates in your Django app, either at the app level or project level by updating the settings.
Build an Instagram clone while learning how to work with static and media files to build a Django website supporting file and image uploads.
How to install Django 5.0 and Python 3.12 on Windows and macOS computers.
A tutorial on creating, activating, installing packages, and deactivating virtual environments in Python for Windows and macOS.
An opinionated list of Django third-party packages that I use to add more features to any Django web project.
How to build a basic blog application in Django using models, views, URLs, and templates.
Django 5.0 user authentication complete tutorial with source code for login, logout, signup, password change, and password reset.
How to add Markdown functionality to any Django website.
Common Django interview questions and answers for both applicants and employers.
Answers to common questions about Django, Python, and web development.
Deploying Django on with a basic website.
The best Django third-party packages to add to any website.
A quick tip on updating to Psycopg3 in the Django 4.2 release.
Learn command line basics for macOS and Windows.
Exploring the 3 different ways to refer to the User model in Django.
An overview of the history and pros/cons of each approach.
Django-related downloads according to PyPI.
An overview of new features and deprecations in Django 3.1
How to configure user permissions in a Django project.
Django security features for any production website.
Why Docker improves Django development.
Python and Django best practices for imports.
A list of tips for designing better models in Python/Django.